Well, today's the day!
It's the 3rd #anniversary of the day #Padrone flew to California to pack me up and bring me back to Italy to live with him as his 24/7 #slave.
To celebrate and mark the occasion, we got the same #tattoo on our right arms. I know many people don't like or approve this kind of symbolic gesture, but it's a #symbol of love and commitment to us.
We definitely have had some huge learning curves, as every #relationship does, being from different countries and having a sixteen year age span between us. But, we both learned to compromise on some things and learned to live with others.
Along the way, life has taught us both many things. I know some of you are thinking that as an M/s couple, there should be no compromises on the #Master's part. That is simply not true. If a couple are in love and they want to have a lasting relationship, compromise is one of the key ingredients needed.
Padrone has added new rules, changed some #rules, and completely eliminated others. We have had the normal ups and downs, but every down has brought us that much closer. You see, during a disagreement, we take it as an opportunity to learn and compromise versus holding grudges.
Here are some basics that we have learned in the past three years as a couple and as a 24/7 M/s dynamic.
Always be truthful, even if your partner might not like what you have to say.
Voice your thoughts! Never keep your partner guessing as to what you're feeling.
Never make your partner jealous on purpose. That is just childish.
Always make time for snuggling. Yes, simple snuggling can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Compromise! I can't stress this enough.
Don't dwell on small petty things. This can break a relationship.
Don't keep bringing up past experiences. You have a past. Everyone does. The trick is to start this relationship with a fresh slate.
Always learn from each other.
Never take your partner or their contributions to your relationship for granted. Make sure they always know how much you appreciate everything they do.
Don't assume. For good or bad, assumptions can lead to trouble you don't need.
Always trust in the rules and teachings of your Dominant.
Don't make or cause drama where there is none.
There are many other things that I could list, but the above ones are a good base for anyone to follow. Above all, love, trust and always believe in your partner.
Padrone Marco and Michelle Fegatofi