Many new people to the world of #BDSM don't have the #education and/or experience to tell the difference of what is considered 'normal' and what is #abuse in the BDSM Lifestyle.
Here is a list of things to look out for that are obvious #signs of an Abuser posing as a Dominant.
Controlling behavior due to fear of losing their partner.
Isolating the submissive from family and friends
Discouraging self sufficient behavior
Not allowing any social interaction which does not include the Dominant
Out of control jealousy
Explosive temper
Behaves like a spoiled child when not getting his/her way
Abuses drugs/alcohol
Does not take responsibility for mistakes
Uses unhealthy behavior to gain control over the submissive
Emotional Blackmail - example: Keeping the submissive in a constant state of fear that the relationship will end if they don't get their way.
Emotional Withdrawal - example: Using the "silent treatment" or physically withdrawing and cutting off all contact rather than communicating and taking responsibility for the situation.
Withdrawal of affection
Refusing any/all intimacy as a punishment which can be quite damaging and reinforces the fear that the submissive will lose the relationship unless he/she gives into this type of blackmail.