Welcome back to Week 45 in my journey to a healthier lifestyle. As you may know, if you have read my previous blogs, I have been struggling with finding my motivation to workout every day. Now, while I have worked out most days, I am not into it and not taking as much joy in it as I did before. Why? I have no idea.
Since last week’s post, I have done 5 workouts. I’ve been dealing with a sick elderly dog, deciding that it’s time to look into adopting a new adult chihuahua as a companion for our 4 year old chihuahua and searching for one. We believe in adopting, not shopping. So many wonderful dogs need homes.
Anyway, with all this going on, my brain couldn’t handle adding in workouts too. I admit that I did “pull myself up by the bootstraps” a couple of times to get my workouts completed. And I had some good calorie burners also. But, what’s up with me and my lack of motivation?
Admittedly, being so preoccupied with chihuahuas and Christmas decorations have played a major role in me not wanting to exercise. That doesn’t account for the weeks before though. Does my brain think that now that I’m at a weight I’m happy with that it doesn’t need exercise anymore? Logically, I know I must continue some form of daily exercise to keep my body fit and my weight down. But, it’s been a struggle to find anything online that interests me to workout to. My runs don’t burn a ton of calories anymore because my body has gotten used to them and adjusted.
I have been eating normally and haven’t changed anything in my diet. Even with my lack of huge calorie burning workouts, I’ve maintained my current weight. So, where do I go from here? How do I get my workout motivation or mojo back? I have no idea.
I’m hoping something will just magically appear to turn my motivation back on. Until the “magic motivation fairy” shows up, I am going to just continue to push myself every day to workout, even if it’s a small one. Some is definitely better than none.
Who knows? Maybe adding a new chihuahua to our family and taking it and my younger one on longer walks will return some motivation. I will have to do 2 separate walks because our senior dog isn’t fast and can’t go far. We will just have to wait and see what may come.
2018 has passed in a blur! I can’t believe Thanksgiving is next week, Christmas is next month, and the 1 year anniversary of my Operation Get Fit No Excuses is in January! I am excited to see my final measurements and weight in January.
Since Padrone and I are both on somewhat restrictive diets, it is a challenge to try and make a small Thanksgiving dinner for us both. I am going to try to make a pineapple and sugar ham using Stevia for Padrone and substitute the ham for Tofu for myself. We will also have deviled eggs, beans, potatoes (no idea how they will be cooked yet) and a sweet of some kind. I’ll take pictures, post recipes, and tell you all about the final meal next week.
Thank you all for the kind words and encouraging comments that you all share with me. I hope my posts are a continued source of motivation to you as well. See you next week!