Michelle Fegatofi's weekly summary about her journey to a healthier lifestyle
Week 26 of #Operation #GetFit #NoExcuses is complete! This means I am halfway through my one-year transformation. Now, let me to clarify something real quick. I have not set a one year goal, just like I have not set a weight or #measurement goal. But, I think it’s really cool that I am literally 26 weeks into my get fit regimen. I’m very proud of myself and a little astonished that I’ve stuck with it like I have.
I want to start out this week by telling you a little story. Obviously after losing 19 kg, which is around 42 pounds, most of my clothes are way too big. Therefore, I had to buy new clothes, and of course, I hate shopping. But, out of necessity, I ordered and received new clothes.
Here is the funny part: when I opened the package and saw how small they looked, in my mind the first thing I thought was “they’re not gonna fit”. Then I said OK, let me try them on just to see how bad a mistake I made in the sizing. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. What does this say about me? Even though I’ve lost so much weight, in my head, in my own mind, I still see myself and my body, as 200+ pounds. When in reality, I’m at 160 pounds, which is about 72.5 kg.
What I want to convey with this little short story is that no matter how much we change our bodies, we have to change our minds as well. Our mental and emotional states are completely connected with our bodies whether we realize it or not. I was happy with the way I look. I honestly never really looked at myself so closely and just said “Eww, my 200 pound body is nasty”. I thought I looked good.
Now that I am a lot smaller, I still think I look good. But, I have to reconcile my brain to recognize hey, I’m not that big and yes these tiny looking little shorts or tiny looking little shirts will fit me and are my correct size now. And that’s something that I’m still working on. I don’t know if you would call it body image issues or if it’s just that I was so big for so long that in my mind I still am that person. This is definitely one thing I’m going to continuously have to work on and get used to.
As far is this past week has gone, I’ve had a lot of epilepsy related issues pop up. I don’t know if it’s the heat and humidity that we have now here in Tuscany, or if it’s just because my epilepsy decided it wanted to screw with me so it did. With the type of epilepsy I have, I never know when it’s going to happen, where it’s going to happen, and usually why it happens. It just does. But despite the annoying setbacks, I have continued to exercise pretty much every day in some form or fashion. I’ve gotten at least 30 minutes per day every day except for one I think, and I was too messed up that day to be able to do anything. So I’m actually pretty happy and proud of that accomplishment as well.
Ok now, a word of caution. I covered it last week but I wanna make sure I cover it again, because this is really affecting my workouts. I try to get outside every morning when it’s crisp and nice around 6:30 AM or 7 AM to do my work out, but life happens and I don’t always get there. When I don’t and I have to work out in the afternoon when it’s hotter, especially in the house and not having air conditioning, I always make sure to pay attention to my body and what it’s telling me.
Drink plenty of water and have a fan pointed directly at you on high to help keep you cool. Have a towel to wipe the sweat off because if you’re anything like me, you will sweat. If you can exercise in an air-conditioned facility, or your house, do it! Just remember, sweat does not mean weight loss. Sweat means your body is hot and it’s trying to cool itself down. It’s a huge misconception that when you sweat you automatically lose weight. You might be losing water weight, but not much.
Padrone is progressing with his own weight loss journey. He had a minor setback last week and gained a couple pounds back because he cheated too many times, but is back on track this week and I’m happy to say he’s lost the weight he gained. So he will continue on his journey to getting healthier and losing weight as well and I will report next week on how he’s doing.
Thank you all so much for your continued words, support, and good thoughts. I hope we see you back here next week reading week 27 summary blog.